
B.A. in Communication

The communication major is a ​liberal arts-based and interdisciplinary major. Designed to empower students through the development of critical thinking and effective communication, students will focus on understanding the complex communication challenges in the 21st century and effectively communicating across a variety of mediums.

The strong and varied curriculum enhances and develops multi-dimensional communication skills including speaking, writing, and multimedia content. Theory and practice come to life in an individualized and challenging learning environment.

  • Filming the action on the St. Johns River.

  • Scouting locations at Kingsley Plantation.

  • Learning to compose a great shot.

  • Visiting Venice, Italy as a multimedia journalist.

  • Hosting a podcast.

Degree Requirements

The curriculum includes a core of courses blending theory and history with practice and content development. The communication core includes courses in public speaking, multimedia and video storytelling, news writing, strategic communications and  advertising, and communication history and law.

Students choose additional courses within one of three specialization areas:

  • Multimedia journalism and storytelling (broadcast, multimedia, and print)
  • Strategic communication (public relations and advertising)
  • Communication studies (interpersonal and organizational communications)

Experience gained through participation in student media, communication student organizations, and internships provide an essential component to the curriculum.

Communication Core

COMM 101: 
Mass Communication and Society
COMM 201:
Principles of Speech Communication
COMM 205:
Introduction to Advertising
COMM 207WI:    
COMM 209:
Communication History
COMM 215: 
Practices and Procedures in Public Relations
COMM 217: 
Introduction to Multimedia Storytelling and Journalism   
COMM 365:
Communication Theory
COMM 455: 
Communication Law
COMM 475:
Communication Ethics
COMM 485:
Senior Communication Seminar













Communication majors must also complete the University core, or general education curriculum appropriate to the degree they seek. Academic Advising offers a downloadable degree plan that outlines the specific courses required for the B.A. in Communication.


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Office location

Jacksonville University
2800 University Blvd N
Jacksonville, FL 32211

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